Friday 18 December 2015

watch movies online

Why spend money on the thing which is available for free. Now, there are many websites on the internet providing free movies. So, you do not need to spend your money in cinemas or on DVDs. Just search for them in a good search engine like Google or Yahoo because online movie websites are not at all difficult to find. Besides, watching movies online allows you to watch your favorite or update movies anytime you want. watch movies online
You do not need to doubt the quality of movies available on the internet for free. There is no difference in quality between the DVD and the movie you are watching online. Even, you can enjoy movies released all over the world just by searching online for a certain movie by typing the movie title, a certain actor or other movie characteristics. watch movies online
Or for you who are looking for some really old movies which you can not find at your nearest video store, many websites allow users to upload the movies.
One of the other good things about watching movie online is you can watch uncensored version of a particular movie that you were looking for, and that really attracts more people. All you need to have is only a high speed internet connection and a computer or laptop.
A huge number of people think that watching films over the internet is illegal and thus they fear the ultimate consequences. However, right now, there are licensed websites that allow you to download films and watch them online legally. watch movies online
Legal sites usually require you to open account with them before you can get access to their movies. All you have to do is to register yourself as the website's member and these sites will allow you to watch movies online. With these sites, you can enjoy your movies without worrying about pirated movies and illegal downloads.

At only just a few clicks away, searching for your favorite movie is just a piece of cake now.

Thursday 17 December 2015

conservation of wild birds

H5N1 bird flu struck another country today as Hungary became the latest European nation to discover the deadly disease in migrating swans. Over the past seven days, H5N1 has been in seven new countries; five of them being in Europe. The results of this rapid spread are causing European nations to take a variety of actions to protect both their poultry industry and their citizens.
Yesterday, Albania banned the importation of poultry products from any country that is known to have had occurrences of H5N1. At the same time, Germany has ordered that domestic poultry be confined to indoor pens as of February 17. Today, France also ordered that all domestic poultry be kept in indoor pens, where it can not be exposed to migratory wild birds. conservation of wild birds
As of last week, Bulgaria banned the hunting of wild birds by sportsmen. Bulgaria discovered H5N1 is several dead swans found in the wetlands of the Danube River.
The spread of H5N1 is having immediate economic consequences. In Italy, where the disease was discovered over the weekend, sales of chicken dropped by 50% in the three days following the government announcement that the disease was present in the country. Layoffs have already started to occur.
conservation of wild birds
On the other hand, Ireland is reporting that due to H5N1 in other areas of Europe, high demand for Irish beef and lamb is actually forcing prices higher. conservation of wild birds
The economic impacts of a full scale bird flu pandemic should not be underestimated. The Australian government is releasing a study today which estimates the cost to global economy from a pandemic could be as high as $4.4 Trillion dollars. This is significantly higher than previous estimates by the World Bank, but even the Australian numbers may be conservative.
The study estimated that in a worst case scenario, there would be 142 million deaths worldwide. Some scientists believe that the actual death count could be significantly higher; with up to 1 Billion people dying. Undeveloped third world nations would be significantly harder hit than other areas of the world.
The Australian estimates were put together by Professor Warwick McKibbin, one of the world's leading economic modelers and a member of the Australian Reserve Bank board, and Dr Alexandra Sidorenko, a health expert at the Australian National University. According to their study, the overall world economy could shrink by as much as 12.6% and would lead to a global depression. conservationof wild birds
The study, in combination with the rapid spread of the disease, is disturbing. It has been 38 years since the last pandemic flu outbreak. Since the 19th century, pandemics have occurred at maximum intervals of 40 years. This means that we are due. All of the flu pandemics that have occurred in that time frame have originated from China and Southeast Asia. This is exactly the point of origination for H5N1. And while a number of pharmaceutical companies are working on, and testing bird flu vaccines, there is a growing body of evidence that these may be ineffectual.
conservation of wild birds

The bottom line is that there may not be enough time left to head off a bird flu pandemic. This means that individuals and companies need to start making their own preparations to deal with the bird flu. Yesterday, Health and Human Services Secretary, Mike Leavitt told reporters that he has been hammering home a message to the states that they can expect little or no assistance from the federal government in the event of a pandemic. This means that we are probably all on our own.

Pressure cleaning cairns

Tropical Cyclones are low pressure systems. They are not associated with a front but are formed over warm tropical waters and have gale force winds. These winds can extend hundreds of kilometers from the center of the storm. Once these winds hit 118 kilometers per hour the cyclone is classified as a severe tropical cyclone. The center of the storm is known as the eye and is characterized by light winds and clear skies. It is surrounded by a wall of dense cloud about 16 km high. This marks the area of the strongest winds and heaviest rainfall.
At 0600 hours on Wednesday February 2 2011 the word went out across the airways that Severe Tropical Cyclone Yasi had been upgraded to a Category 5 cyclone. A Category 5 storm is characterized by winds in excess of 280 kilometers per hour and described as dangerous. The chances of this storm causing widespread destruction were excellent. This cyclone had a diameter of six hundred kilometers and the eye was estimated to be more than thirty kilometers wide. At this time the authorities warned the public to expect a storm of catastrophic proportions. It was forecast to hit in the most highly populated part of tropical North Queensland Australia on the early morning of February 3rd.
Everyone had been watching Cyclone Yasi approach the North Queensland coast for days since the system formed over near Fiji. It had tracking south to south-west and the model suggested that it was heading towards Cairns and Innisfail. The public were told to expect:
* Winds up to three hundred kilometers per hour.
* Airborne debris.
* Deafening noise.
Pressure cleaning cairns
* Torrential rain and flooding.
* Road closures.
* High seas and dangerous swells with three to five meter storm surges.
* Loss of power to two hundred thousand people.
* Loss of telecommunications.
Storm surges are dangerous tsunami-like, fast-moving waters which are certain to inundate low-lying areas. The level of the water rises within the low pressure area in the eye of the cyclone and this is pushed forward by the storm. Unfortunately this storm surge was due to coincide with the high tide as Yasi crossed the coast. Authorities also predicted that this storm surge would be higher at the southern side of where the cyclone would meet the mainland.
Thirty thousand people had been urged and some ordered to evacuate to eleven nominated evacuation centers in the area in the path of the storm. Two hundred and fifty intensive care patients in the area were evacuated to Brisbane hospitals 1500 kilometers to the south. This was the largest hospital evacuation ever to take place in Australia. Two hundred thousand text messages alerts were sent to people in the danger areas.
The warnings or advice given to those residents who insisted on staying at their residence throughout the storm were to prepare for the cyclone with the following advice:
* Gather in the smallest room in the house. The bathroom is normally considered the safest and strongest part of the house.
* Gather mattresses and use for shelter in case the roof is blown off.
* Once the storm hits, stay put as it is impossible for emergency service personnel to respond until after the event.
* Store water and fill the bath full of water for drinking water. Have purification tablets handy.
* Tape all windows to strengthen and reduce the risk of breakage.
* Ensure adequate tin food and water supplies for up to a week.
* Ensure enough cash for food and petrol.
* Ensure the operation of torches, radio and batteries.
* Wear covered shoes to protect the feet from any instance of broken glass and other sharp objects.
* Wear warm clothes and keep rain coats handy.
* Ensure there is something to urinate into such as a portable potty.
* Disconnect and unplug all gas, water and electrical equipment and appliances.
* Clean the surrounding yard to ensure there are no potential missiles.
* Stay calm and sober. People will be then more likely to make good decisions if the need arises.
* Mentally prepare children for what is ahead.
* As the eye of the cyclone passes over, be careful not to think that the cyclone has passed.
* Release the pressure within homes by opening windows on the opposite side to the way the wind is blowing.
* Expect the wind to come from a different direction once the eye passes.
As it turned out, the communities of Mission Beach, Tully, Tully Heads, Cardwell and Innisfail, about 160 km south of Cairns, bore the brunt of the storm. There was extensive damage to hundreds of buildings with roofs torn off and power poles knocked over. Banana and sugar cane crops were all but wiped out. The Prime Minister of Australia Ms Julia Gillard described the cyclone as the worst cyclone to hit Australia. There was one known death from the storm. A man died from asphyxiation from the exhaust fumes from a generator he was running inside a closed room. The fact that the death toll was not higher as a consequence of the 'worst cyclone to hit Australia' is a great testament to the sensibility of the residents of North East Queensland. They obviously listened to the warnings and cooperated with authorities.

Within five hours of hitting the coast, the storm was downgraded to a Category 3 system. It proceeded inland North Queensland where it weakened to a tropical depression. Thousands of people were made homeless and many lost everything. Roads, schools and airports were closed. Food shortages, water supply and sewerage were a major concern. 180,000 people were left without electricity. There was no telecommunication coverage as towers had been disabled. The military together with emergency service volunteers were deployed to the area to assist with the cleanup. The place looked like a bomb had hit it. One can only guess at the damage bill and the number of lives disrupted by this powerful freak of nature.